• Who I am

    My name is Scottie, an as an experienced builder who has worked with numerous architects, I can confidently say not all house plans are created equal. They can vary widely in scope and details, and it does not always depend on the price point of your home.

    House plans are provided with the understanding that all client ideas are now reflected in their plans and ready for a builder to bring the project to life. Your builder is excited to build a fantastic home for you and is expected to correct any missed information in the blueprints. This is where construction nightmares start for the client. Many times the partnership between the architect, builder and client(s) becomes frustrating and confusing during the build, as the client will find items missing, wrong, or not there at all. The end result, you as the client did not get what you envisioned and now you are disappointed or mad at the entire building process.

  • This is why The Build Liaison was created. To assist bringing your vision from design plan to concise blueprint. Everything that was unseen is now seen, every recessed light, wall switch, or skylight is in the correct spot. Your vision is now on the blueprint for everyone to see. No confusion, no inaccuracies, a well documented plan set from your architect, to your builder, to the turnkey home you envisioned.

  • Livability

    The Build Liaison is here to work for you, -the Client, and ultimately your architect and your builder for a smooth build. Building a home is incredibly complex and time consuming with many working parts and interactions. I will find the "misinformation" and "missed information" in your blueprint to make building your home problem free.

    I will start by reviewing your plans to look for errors, while working side by side with you making sure your vision is on your blueprint.  There are several options that are designed to assist in understanding your blueprint.  Our programs are divided into different packages in accordance to your requirements, from self review using our checklist to in-house review, virtual meetings, or a custom tailored plan to fit your needs.

  • The goal is Livability: making your house live well for you.